We recognize that some of the products, suppliers or manufacturers we represent are not a perfect fit for every project or application, which is why we work with hundreds of different vendors from the smallest to the largest agriculture equipment suppliers in the world.

We’ve built our business and our reputation on delivering the best solutions to our customers, not on representing one product over another.

We work with hundreds of vendors all over the world.  Many are well known within the wider agriculture and horticulture industry but are less recognized among cannabis growers.  One such company is the H.E. Anderson Company, an Oklahoma manufacturer and supplier of professional grade water treatment equipment including complete injection systems, chemical pumps, controllers and monitors.

The family owned business has been providing the ag industry with patented high quality injectors that allow for precise mixture control with minimum maintenance for over 65 years.

Herbert Edward Anderson Sr. first introduced their patented injector in the early 1900’s  in response to the need by farmers to more efficiently and accurately dilute and apply additives to fields and crops.  His son H.E.Anderson Jr took over the company in 1977 and expanded the product line with a focus on horticulture and greenhouse applications. In 2013, current CEO Eric Anderson took the helm.

CW principal, Eric Paulin recounts his first visit to the Muskogee machine shop where H.E. Anderson fabricates their diaphragm pump injectors:  “”It’s the same facility they’ve been in since 1963 and I saw someone scrubbing a crusty old pump covered in dirt and I asked what they were doing.  I was told they were repairing a pump from a customer that had it buried for 40 years!  When I asked how much they charged for the service they said there was no charge – after all this was from a customer they’ve had for over 40 years.”

The company was reluctant about supplying to cannabis growers after a Calfironia distributor they worked with had $100,000 worth of product seized in the 1970’s.  “That spooked us a little bit.” said Randy Nester, H.E Anderson Technical Sales Manager of 26 years, “But as laws began to change, particularly here in Oklahoma around medical cannabis, our management gave the greenlight to pursue the market.”

Asked about the difference between working with cannabis vs other crops Nester said, “In traditional horticulture it’s usually around a two part feed, maybe some pH correction.  With Cannabis, the growers have more complex recipes. Our products give them the ability to have these complex recipes and use organic materials, and to be able to inject those over time while having reliability.   We don’t have a limit on how many inputs that you can use – the sky’s the limit. If someone wants to have 20 different inputs, then they can have 20 different inputs and we can precisely inject those.  Because at the end of the day consistency is king. If you’re off a few days on your formulas, at certain growth stages of Cannabis that yield is never going to be what it could have been. That terpene profile is not going to be on point, those percentages are going to go down, your yields are going to go down.

“With cannabis the challenge is that every project is custom.  And when you’re outside of Cannabis, it’s really a more cookie cutter solution.

“But for us, our whole business model has always been to take care of the customers. Treat the customers right, treat your water right.  We give the same level of support to every customer regardless of the crop. We have the same pricing regardless of crop. Our job remains the same regardless.  Cannabis customers do require a little bit more support because they have more complex systems, but we’re all farmers and we all work for the plants.  If the plants don’t produce a good yield then you can’t get a good price point for what you’re producing.  So we just always make it our goal to, essentially, just keep the girls happy.”


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