Ready to book a review of your commercial cannabis facility with the Cultivation Warehouse experts to get your project jump started? Excellent. We find that having facetime with our clients, and seeing an operation first-hand, is invaluable to the process. To make everyone’s time productive, here are various pieces of information you should expect to discuss. Confidentiality is a given, we are fiercely committed to maintaining our clients’ privacy and trust.

To make everyone’s time productive,

here are various pieces of information

you should expect to discuss.

Operational Goals

Output, expansion, sustainability, efficiency, automation — these are all aspects of any given operation that will impact our recommendations. Be prepared to explain in detail what your commercial cannabis operational goals look like in the short and long term. 

Current Challenges

Even the most efficient commercial cannabis operations have room for improvement. Bring your challenges both big and small to the table so we can hash out solutions to address them.

Preferred Methods

Every cultivator has their preferred grow method and ways to achieve their optimum product specifications. We’ve seen every type of operation imaginable and we like to dig in, so it’s a good idea to have your lead grow team available for any questions.

Key Players

Cultivation Warehouse takes a collaborative approach to each and every project. You know your cultivation goals, we are here to help you meet them. Having your key players involved in the process ensures that roles are clear and there aren’t any miscommunications that can create hold ups. 

Timeline & Budget

This is an obvious one but it’s just as critical for us to understand the parameters of your project timeline and investment tolerance than it is for us to analyze your current cultivation equipment. A complete picture is necessary for the CW team to develop a solid plan for everyone to work from.

Now that you’ve prepared, Contact Us now to set up a meeting. You have nothing to lose but time and profit!

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