There are few operations with which we’ve had a longer and more rewarding relationship than WAMM.  

The Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana, under the leadership of  Executive Director Valerie Leveroni Corral, is celebrating 30 years of continuous operation providing cannabis for medical use. 

Headquartered in Santa Cruz, CA, the organization commands a unique place in the history of the legalization movement in the U.S, WAMM set the stage for what has evolved into the current legal commercial cannabis market.  

Raids on their first grow sites resulted in landmark state and federal legal battles which led to ballot initiatives and the eventual legislation governing cannabis cultivation and distribution in California.

The WAMM collective flourished during the years between Prop 215 and Prop 65 however the labyrinth of rules and regulations resulted in roadblocks to the caregiver-patient type programs that provided free or low cost cannabis to those in need.  

Valerie successfully advocated for new legislation that resulted in the California state Senate Bill 34 creating a legal pathway by which licensed cannabis companies can donate products to eligible patients.

A new entity WAMM Phytotherapies was created to conform with state licensing and regulations and a variety of collaborations with the likes of Darren Story at Strong Agronomy, and the Farmer and The Felon founders Dennis Hunter and Ned Fussell, and and many others have allowed Corral to produce and distribute licensed, inspected and labeled product to those most in need.

According to Corral, “It’s been a bit of a struggle but we’ve always been focused on helping people and relieving suffering.  We believe in the healing power of plant based medicines and we have always prioritized serving the seriously sick and dying.”

Referring to Cultivation Warehouse co-founder Eric Shedlarski, Corral said “Shed and his team have always been there for me.  He is a friend and mentor.  His kindness and counsel, along with his delicious sense of humor and of course the technical and fiscal support he provides has been tremendous.” 

Email [email protected] for more information about WAMM Phytotherapies or to learn how you can help sustain and expand compassionate care.

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